Saturday 6 August 2011

Khuda and Allah means God

Salaams to all

Some people say we should only invoke by the Names of Allah as those presented in the Qur'an ... I agree ... In English however, people do not necessarily understand what Allah means and often people mistake Allah as a different God from their own. This provides a dilemma do we say Allah and maintain the understanding in Arabic or for dialogue and comparative religion purposes can we still say God. The truth is the term "God" has it's origins in pagan sources also ... it comes from the Norse pagan religion from the word YOD .... Khuda comes from the Persian ... both of these were not according to their original meanings universal single deities rather they were the heads of their deities. Often different languages and cultures have their own names for the supreme all powerful God and other deities who help or assist Him. This is shirk to accept any such helping or assisting gods ... However, to say there is only One God and Khuda Ek Hai is as per lingua consistent with the Arabic understanding. It is often good practice to speak about Allah in a language the people understand. In the past when Islam was introduced to the Indian subcontinent Khuda was used to explain the meaning of Allah, but now all Muslims in the region know the meaning of Allah and should use this term. The word God should still be used in the West for now as they still do not understand the true meaning of Allah, until this happens then it will be better to use the term God.

This puts another twist on things ... do we say Allah Hafiz, Khuda Hafiz or God Hafiz .... yes I know this may sound funny ... but this is the aimlessness of this thread ... say what you will as long as you understand that Khuda is not assisted by any subordinate gods and the meaning of the term is Allah, but for the Pakistanis they should use Allah as they know the Arabic term well.

To tell you the truth, there is no mention of a farewell gesture in Islam...That's why it is one thing unique to all Islamic cultures...

The Arabs say, Fee Amanillah...

Persians and Indians say Allah Hafiz...

Some Patthans and Afghans say Khuda-e-Pamaan

Some just say Salamalaikum...

In Turkey it's something else...

In Uzbekistan it's something else...

In Turkmenistan it's something else...

In Bosnia it's something else...

But I personally prefer Allah Hafiz...Because Allah is my God and it is to Him that I place anyone's security in to whom I say Allah Hafiz...Not Khuda Hafiz...

1 comment:

  1. Nice urs blogs ha
    i like Nilay from Bombay
